She Mob

rock, haunt, amuse and confound

Upcoming Halloween Show with The Rotten Logs

Posted on Oct 13, 2014

2014_murder_poster_webHey-o! Joy and Lisa take a side detour with Joy’s side-project, The Rotten Logs, performing at the 13th Annual Murder Ballads Bash this October 31st at the Starry Plough. Doors open at 8 pm, music starts at 9 pm. $8-12 slidin’ scale and costume contest! Do come! 3101 Shattuck in Berkeley.

ALWAYS a good time at the Murder Ballads Bash. All the details are here.

Featuring (in no special order):

Penelope Houston (Avengers)
Ari Fellows (of Loretta Lynch)
Joe Rut
Salane and Friends unplugged
The Flaming Telepaths
Sunz of Rude Mechanical Serfs
The Happy Clams
Tom Heyman
Baby Teeth

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