She Mob

rock, haunt, amuse and confound

Snow Smoked video – finally!

Posted by on Aug 13, 2015

It was a struggle to find footage for “Snow Smoked” (from the fourth album, Right in the Head), but thanks again to the Prelinger Archives, Lisa thinks this works. So if it doesn’t, take it up with her. And she’s writing this in the third person, so if that’s not working for you, mention that as well. What’s her problem? Anyway, Suki’s singing lead in a...

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Right in the Head

Posted by on May 1, 2014

Right in the Head

It’s here! Right in the Head – twelve tracks of unmitigated She Mob. What was the lead-up to this incredible happening? She Mob, on a seemingly never-ending hiatus, was reformed when Karry Walker (Ultralash, The Hollywood Laundrette) gave Joy (Sue) a call and said, “She Mob should reform, and I’ll play bass if you’d like.” Or words to that effect. Soon...

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