She Mob

rock, haunt, amuse and confound

She Mob is “bizarrely delightful” according to “SF Chronicle”

Posted by on Oct 18, 2017

Last we played on October 5th, we were sitting on the floor of our favorite Bay Area gallery, Creativity Explored, improvising a three-hour set for the Bride of Monster art opening with lots of bells, whistles, effects-pedals and various other bangy, plinky, drone-y, electronic-y kinds of things. We had no idea Beth Spotswood from the San Francisco Chronicle was in the house, taking notes. She...

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She Mob LIVE at Creativity Explored, San Francisco – Oct. 5, 2017

Posted by on Sep 19, 2017

She Mob will be playing at one of the great galleries of our modern age: Creativity Explored. We’ll be creating a soundscape at the Bride of Monster Show opening, October 5th, from 7 to 9 PM. Come see some amazing artwork while Joy, Lisa and Alan play play unobtrusive weird-ass noize stuff. From the Creativity Explored site: Bride of Monster features wild and woolly new interpretations of...

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She Mob LIVE at New School in Berkeley

Posted by on Apr 27, 2016

Short notice, but better late than never. Joy, Lisa and Alan LIVE at the New School spring fundraiser in Berkeley, Californ-I-A. Saturday, April 30th at 2 p.m. Outdoor bands, bakesale, rummage sale, bouncy house, bunny hutch, playground, RAWK. Hope you can make it. New School – 1606 Bonita Street, Berkeley

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Live She Mob on Halloween, 2015 – video proof

Posted by on Nov 23, 2015

Did you miss the New School fundraiser we played in Berkeley on Halloween? Yes? Are you…crying? Well, dry your tears! We got some video of the shindig and everything’s going to be all right now. A very fun afternoon, featuring cupcakes, little kids dressed as mermaids and superheroes, The Chuckleberries (awesome!), and a lot of wood chips backstage (next to the bunny hutch). Jackson...

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Halloween Show at the New School in Berkeley, CA

Posted by on Oct 10, 2015

That’s right — Halloween DAY, 2 p.m at the New School. Details in the flyer. Free show and all proceeds from the Fall Bazaar go to the New School scholarship fund. There will be a haunted jump house, which is a dream come true we didn’t even know we had.

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